Where I’m From

I am from Saturday afternoon tennis and ice cream with my dad

I am from playing barbies, chasing butterflies, and long bike rides

I am from mandatory reading time, sewing classes, and algebra tutoring

I am from pickle and mustard sandwiches for breakfast

I am from hiding in the back seat mortified as my mom dug through our neighbor’s trash

I am from purple and gold school colors for 16 years

The end

Here’s the trash digger and tennis player 🙂

(I have a broski too!) Hi PAUL! He draws comics like a fein, among other things.

One response to “Where I’m From

  1. Dede

    So many fond memories of dumpster diving….
    I have found chairs, a ping pong table, a desk, wicker furniture, a picnic table, a cute high chair, shelving units, and lamps. It’s just too bad that Anne had to be in the car sometimes. Sadly, now I’m reduced to enjoying smaller items since I’m no longer a soccer mom with a van. I found a cute trunk and a coffee table a few weeks ago. Just doing my part in saving the planet!

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