Open Letter to KISS FM

Okay, here is the letter I sent to the producer at KISS FM…

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to voice my concern regarding your current Hand Bra Contest. My name is Anne, a 23-year-old living in central Phoenix. I suppose I qualify for the contest. However, I am not sending in a picture and I want to tell you my reasoning. As a young woman living in the age of “sex sells,” I understand the power of my 120-pound athletic body. I have been told that my body is mine and I can do whatever I want with it. I can seduce any man, convince any authority, change any mind, and win any contest. “They” say that I have freedom to do with my body whatever I want. That message is hard to miss and easy to believe. But I don’t believe it. Because I have sisters in Phoenix who thought they had that freedom, too. Now they do not have a choice. Today they are under the worst oppression ever imagined.

Exploitation starts with the little things like a hand bra contests. When a young woman takes her clothes off for a chance to win a ticket to Las Vegas, she may not hesitate again to take her clothes off for money, for security, for acceptance. Soon she might be forced to not only take off her clothes but forced to actually give her body. Soon she is a slave. I am proposing that your contest adds fuel to the fire of sex slavery in Phoenix, a city poisoned by this crime.

The problem with a hand bra contest is that in one way or other, she is selling her body. Your contest is enabling a norm of behavior for women. What if instead you used your public voice to create a new norm for women in Phoenix? What if you used your voice to speak out against sex slavery? Use your platform to help rescue young girls who are sold into sex slavery in our city. Consider it your duty to cover up these precious girls. They do not have a voice but you do. It is my hope that you would reconsider the ramifications of your contest.


Anne Warner

..So, we’ll see if anything happens. If you are interested in writing something as well, here is the address:

4686 E Van Buren St.

Phoenix, AZ 85008


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3 responses to “Open Letter to KISS FM

  1. Hannah

    Anne. This is absolutely perfectly said, and I am PROUD.

  2. Jen

    This will be posted on both my blogs, my twitter and my facebook. Love you!!!

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